fawn - verb | FAWN

to grovel or flatter a person aiming to gain their favour.

The young boy fawned over the new girl in class, intrigued by her mystery and withdrawn character.

I suppose everybody to some degree wants people to swoon when they see them and pine for their affection. Or maybe that’s just me. In any case, what’s often lost in translation is what that kind of response from someone takes, and inevitably what they’ll want from you in the end. I find intimate relationships the impetus for a lot of self reflection and introspection as I end up asking myself why I am the way I am and why I want the things I want. Often times it leads to uncomfortable realizations and calls my ego in check. Reminds me of the hedgehog dilemma, where they need to be close to stay warm but end up pricking themselves with their quills.

Human intimacy is simply one of the most fascinating things for me to witness and experience. Kind of a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. I speak to friends who are going through things and making changes that they never thought they would until being in love. So I see it as one of the most powerful sources of human achievement, but I suppose like anything else, nothing comes without cost. Is it worth it in the end? Well, let’s find out, shall we?


