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wayvydon season iv: what’s wayvy?

Families are fractured, society is spiraling, communities are cracking and politics is ever more polarizing. In this insatiable technocratic state, productivity is god and anything less than machine-like efficiency is grounds for execution.

So, what does this have to do with wayvy? We, as your Vocal Youth, have decided enough. We are the antidote to every ill society faces. Those who are in charge currently are at best incompetent and at worst nefarious. However, we are not phased. To be reborn, death is a necessary step. To reform society, we must tear it down to its foundation and rebuild it from the rubble. To create a brighter future for our descendants, we must make necessary sacrifices and hold ourselves accountable.

At wayvydon, we believe art is the vehicle necessary to realize all of these lofty aspirations. Social media is the gasoline. These are the perfect tools to take ownership of our minds, our bodies and our communities and sculpt them into radical agents for positive change. No more pointing fingers and casting blame. Today, we accept responsibility for ourselves and our actions and rise above our circumstances by creating beauty and new connections.

This season we will have weekly blog posts such as this one where we do movie reviews, art critiques and sociological musings. Over on Youtube we will have two concurrent series titled wayvy wednesdays and studio sunwayvs. Check us out! Consider dropping a like or a sub.

If anything you’ve read here resonates with you, you are wayvy. We are wayvy.

Vis Unita Forgior.