wayvy weekly //// [what is life?]

One of my brothers sent me pictures from Central America today, where he is galivanting with a bunch of German and French tourists. They all seem determined to get lost in the wilderness. As he climbs up a waterfall, rediscovering himself after all the trauma life has dealt him, I find myself asking; “what is life? and what am I doing wrong?”

According to Kit, who is an expert in the field, “Life is a journey and you decide the destination.” Too many times I believe we allow our destinations to be determined for us. By our parents, by our societies or even by our base instincts. Fear, comfort, lust and greed can all steal the wheel and steer us into undesirable destinations with our consent but somehow without our conscious knowledge. From the time we are born we are set on a sort of conveyor belt and sent through ‘life’ without our input. “Do this, say this, shut up and sit down.” And while it is comfortable enough for most, many people go through this experience with a sort of quiet uneasiness that eats up the soul. The ‘whatifs’ and the ‘maybe i’s’ accumulate and begin to weigh on the psyche. To avoid this, live. Take risks, enjoy life, be kind, learn something new, listen to the birds, smell the flowers, remember that we are so much more than our corporeal vessels. And most importantly. Stay wayvy.

I was told last week’s wayvy weekly was a lil verbose, so I’m gonna keep it brief no Bulma with the wayvywork of this week, LIVE. And in the spirit of this week’s message, I’m gonna let this one live its life and speak for itself. Comment below PLEASE (😩) and let me know what your interpretation of the piece is! Love u kthnxbai <3.


wayvy weekly //// [what is art?]


wayvy weekly //// [what is work?]