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symbiosis - noun | sim-bee-OH-sis

Specifically in the field of biology, symbiosis refers to the relationship between two different kinds of living things that live together and depend on each other. More broadly, however, it can be used to mean a cooperative relationship between two people.

I aim to achieve the perfect symbiosis with my colleagues at work, playing to everyone’s strengths and weaknesses for the good of the team.

This was the first word I chose for this series as it is the ultimate goal of Season 3. To be able to achieve true alignment with myself and my neighbours for our overall betterment is the impetus behind the title ‘Reborn & Reform’. The piece I selected to represent this reflects the many barriers that may present themselves to hinder such an undertaking, such as political differences, represented by the red and blue outlines of the characters, difference in religious beliefs, as the blue figure has a sort of pink halo, or even class difference, as one figure is outside and positioned lower down than the other. All of these subtle relations are placed on the backdrop of an urban environment, assembled somewhat sloppily and without a lot of detail.

Ultimately I believe that notions like countries and communities are more often than not used as scapegoats to eschew responsibility from the individual and our collective decisions or concessions, as opposed to the apotheosis of symbiosis, and I believe this is the first step to achieving that.