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SEASON 3 part 2

part 2

     Thank you God for Your grace and another day. Thank you for the blue skies and for the sun and for the gift of life and sight that you’ve bestowed on the eyes that have met these words. Thank you for the time that you’ve given us together. Please bless and protect and cover the mind who digests these words. We know life is hard and these issues and obstacles seem insurmountable. We feel alone and atomized and exposed. But. Through your grace, with your counsel and by your leadership we will conquer them all.

     Sometimes, I can get lost in the sauce. I can forget who I am and what I was sent here to do. I can get caught up in the mortal trappings that plague our modern society and yearn for the shallow acceptance that conformity can bring. When things don’t feel or look like how I pictured them or the way I wanted them I can become disillusioned and want to quit. I often wonder if God hears me. If God cares about me. Why if he loves me the way I’m told he does, he would allow me to be suffering the way I am. Things aren’t perfect. And they never will be. But that’s not a good enough reason to give up. Plus, there is someone who cares. There’s a whole movement a whole international village a whole movement that will come to your aid when the going gets tough. When you are on your last. wayvydon is with you. When you feel like you’re asked to do this impossible. wayvydon is with you. When you are defending your village and their beliefs with everything in your being. wayvydon is by your side. every step of the way. 

We are your vocal youth, and we are here to stay. Join us as we reimagine a radical future for us all. With boundless love. With ubiquitous self expression and understanding. With goodness, mercy and peace for the rest of our days.

stay wayvy baby <3
