Project 150

So. A couple days ago I tweeted that I was gonna paint 150 paintings in a month. This morning was the first time that I have considered that may have been a terrible idea. Regardless, we move.

I’ll be highlighting a couple of my favourites from each week and doing a lil rundown on the top 3 in these articles! Oh, also there’ll be a link to the full (live updating) collection at the bottom. If you’re still reading this, I can’t thank you enough for coming on this journey with me. I hope you’re as excited as I am. VAMOS!!!




It doesn’t really seem like a lot of people are feeling this one, but this is honestly maybe my favourite of the first batch. Its a really rudimentary sketch of a uzi insta post with some wayvy embellishments. The flaming aura coupled with the lightning wayvy stencil just really elevates this one to the next level for me. Not to mention the shading on the face and the glowing eyes. Oh my God and then the HALO???? Classe.

Swirling reds and text with dripping spraypaint

The Omen

I think its best to let this one speak for itself, ya dig?

sippin (coffee? Or tea? tea please.)

I suppose this is my attempt at minimalism in a way, doing a relatively simple and intuitive portrait of an imaginary man looking at us look at him as we sit in a coffee shop. Last night I went to this poetry show and the guy did this poem about how he just had the worst cup of coffee, and he told this story about how you can only do it in a store that has really good coffee or else its too on the nose and how he was in Michigan last week performing in a combination tattoo coffee place that had really good coffee and so he stared down the barista as he was doing it and apparently the barista had a look of abject horror, just pure terror and confusion in his eyes. Maybe there’s a correlation in life between fear and confusion. Anyway, none of that has anything to do with the painting, but we know for sure this dude isn’t confused. Or afraid. Look at those lips!

Click here for the whole curated collection so far!


Click here for the whole curated collection so far! /////


Project 150 p.2
