Project 150 p.3

Wow !… three weeks in and over 100 paintings completed and we ain’t even close to finished. Tired, yes. But this is only the beginning.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the documentation of the process, even though I have a long ways to go until I'm on my Ken Burns. Underrated skillset. In any case, this week’s humble offering features a lot of different styles. I even cannibalized one of my old paintings to repurpose it for this venture, so that was an interesting experience. Very new for me.

Like everything we do, honesty and community is at the fore here, which is why we have opted to add a comment section to all our posts! Super excited to get live feedback on my work from you guys, which is what its really all about.




I’ve been doing a lot of reading and research about angels and spirits and the like, and one that jumped out at me was Samael. They call himt the Angel of Death, and say he can take the form of a great serpent dragon with twelve wings. Pretty sick huh?


Just to prove that I actually can draw. Okay now back to the weird shit.

Chilling, Chilling.

This was one of the paintings I cannibalized. I think of it like sampling oneself, but in painting form. Self aggrandizing? Mayhaps, but hey, the world could do with some more genuine self confidence, don’t you think? Let me know what you think in the comment section below!! lmao



100+ MORE PIECES !! 💖💗💖


Project 150 p.4


Project 150 p.2